What is public housing? Everyone can live for rent in public housing, and there are approx. a million people in Denmark who do. In total there are approx. 560,000 public housing, which means that one in five housing units is public. On this page, you can read more about living in general. The housing form solves a social taskbolig4u Public housing differs in many ways from the rest of the housing market. They must ensure that there are good homes in attractive residential areas for everyone in Denmark. The homes are built with a contribution of 10% from the municipality in which they are located, and the municipality can then dispose of every fourth vacant apartment to which it can refer citizens. Public housing thus plays an important social role in society.'s role in the general industry The housing association, of which your housing department is a part, can buy help to manage and operate its housing - e.g. from We do not own any homes ourselves. On the other hand, we are experts in e.g. property management and letting, and in addition we help housing companies build new homes and renovate existing ones. You can read much more about under About us .You can help decide A public rental housing is part of a housing department, which in turn is part of a housing association. As a resident, you can help decide what happens in the housing department and the residential area you live in. This is called resident democracy, and you can participate in this by attending the department meeting and/or by running for the department board - the represents the residents vis-à-vis the housing association. A housing association usually has several housing departments. Representatives of the housing departments sit on the board of the housing association.